Order Detail

Order Detail

The Order Detail feature provides users with the MarginDriver KPI data on each and every order from every sales channel.

The filter options at the top of the page allows users to refine the results to certain sales channel(s) and/or date ranges. In addition, users can add or remove KPI columns as they see fit using the Add/Remove Metrics menu. All reports can be exported in Excel (.xlxs) format for further filtering and manipulation.

Data captured in this view for each order includes:

  • SKU Number
  • Product Quantity
  • Product Revenue
  • Product Cost
  • Product Markup
  • Shipping Revenue
  • Shipping Cost
  • Shipping Markup
  • Total Order Revenue
  • Total Order Cost
  • Fees & Allowances
  • Gross Profit
  • Gross Profit Margin
  • Discounts
  • Weight (oz.)
  • Distribution Center

Definitions of each of these metrics can be found on the MarginDriver KPIs page.

With every report selected in Order Detail, the first row displayed on the screen contains the totals for all of the requested information for each sales channel. The details for individual orders will be displayed when the user clicks on the down arrow next to the name of the sales channel on the left side of the report. A second click on the same sales channel name will collapse the detail information for individual orders and revert the view back to the sales channel totals for the selected date range.

Estimated Shipping Cost

MarginDriver provides same day gross profit results for every order even if the order has not yet been shipped. In such cases, MarginDriver uses estimated shipping costs until an actual shipping cost becomes available. MarginDriver will continuously search for an updated actual shipping cost for 60 days following the order date. After 60 days, the estimated shipping cost will be final and unable to be edited. 

Estimated shipping costs are displayed in orange. Once the estimated cost is replaced with the actual cost, the value will be displayed in black.


MarginDriver tracks refunds that are issued on certain platforms and marketplaces like Shopify and Amazon. The refunds can be found under Order Detail (at the bottom of the day's orders) for the day that the refund was issued (as opposed to the day that the order was originally placed). Refunds appear under the date of the refund in order to maintain consistency with third party statements used for accounts receivable reconciliation.

The refunds appear in red and they track the amount of Product Revenue, Shipping Revenue and Total Revenue that the seller refunded for that order. It also tracks the Gross Profit and Fees deductions for each refund. The refund amounts are then deducted from the the order totals for that day.