Shipping Metrics

Shipping Metrics

The Shipping Metrics feature offers users a quick glance at how one of the great variables in ecommerce - shipping and fulfillment costs - are impacting their company's profitability. It is important to understand and remember that the data in the various columns in the Shipping Metrics feature refers to the orders that were actually shipped in each of the respective time frames as compared to the date the order was placed by the buyer, which is the case in most every other report and analytics tool in MarginDriver.

Six (6) MarginDriver KPIs are highlighted in this feature:

  1. Shipping Cost Per Ounce - The ecommerce seller's average cost per ounce to ship all selected orders. This number is calculated by dividing the cost to shop borne by seller divided by the total shipping weight in ounces. (Any shipping paid by the consumer is not included in this calculation.)
  2. Ounces per Order - The average weight in ounces per order. This number is calculated by dividing the total shipping weight in ounces by the total number of orders in the selection.
  3. Shipping Cost per Order - The ecommerce seller's average cost per order to ship all selected orders. This value is calculated by dividing the total shipping cost borne by the seller by the total number of orders in the selection.
  4. Orders - The total number of orders shipped in the selection.
  5. Orders Same Day Shipped - MarginDriver tracks the both the date that an order is placed and the date that it is shipped by the seller. This metrics tracks the percentage of orders that are shipped on the same date that they are placed by the customer.
  6. Ship Date Delay - The time lapsed between the date that an order is placed by the customer and the date that it is shipped by the seller. Orders qualifying for the Orders Same Day Shipped metric have a Ship Date Delay of 0. Orders shipped the following date have a Ship Date Delay of 1 and so on. This metric captures the average time lapsed between order date and ship date for all orders in the selection.

In addition to the usual MarginDriver sales channel and date filters, the Shipping Metrics features also allows users to filter by Shipping Carrier and Shipping Destination Country.

  1. Shipping Carrier - For ChannelAdvisor users this value is pulled from the Shipping Class field.
  2. Shipping Destination Country - The countries are represented here by their two-character ISO abbreviations. The full list of ISO abbreviations and their corresponding country names can be found at

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