Products and Categories

Products and Categories

The products and categories page gives MarginDriver users an in-depth look at their profitability by SKU, brand and supplier.

All results can be filtered by sales channel(s) and custom date range.

Top Products/Top Brands/Top Suppliers

The Top Products/Top Brands/Top Suppliers feature displays the top ten performers in each category according to the user's metric of choice.

Only the top ten results for each selection are shown on the page. To view results for a particular SKU, brand or supplier not listed among the top 10, simply enter the SKU number or the product, brand or supplier name you would like to view and click Apply to render the desired results.

The top 1,000 results can be viewed by exporting the results to a spreadsheet. Exports include data columns for each of the metrics listed above and separate tabs for all three classifications.

The accompanying bar chart provides a visual comparison of top results as well as an enumeration of the percentage of the total that each result accounts for.

Selected Product Performance

The Selected Product Performance graph allows users to view sales and profit metrics for an individual product, brand or supplier. Click on one of the results from the Top Products/Top Brands/Top Suppliers table above to graph that item. The active item can be confirmed by referencing the Selected Product/Brand/Supplier line underneath the Actual and 7-Day Moving Average boxes. The metric being graphed also corresponds to the Performance Metric chosen from the Top Products/Top Brands/Top Suppliers dropdown menu above.

Users can then view results across a broad range of time periods including a custom date range.

Advanced SKU Analytics

The Advanced SKU Analytics feature enables users to search, filter and sort individual SKUs according to all of the metrics and classifications that MarginDriver has to offer. Apply Filter must be selected after the search criteria are entered in order to execute the query. Clear Filter will reset all parameters back to the default listing of all products.

Search or partial search by Title or Brand to view all products matching the search criteria.

View products by Distributor or Supplier by selecting from the pre-populated drop-down menu. Note that it is possible that some products and brands are available from more than one supplier. By default there are multiple records in this scenario - one for each supplier. Provided you are using the same SKU regardless of supplier, you can aggregate the results under a single product record by checking the Group Distributors box.

Numeric values can be entered into any of the additional columns in From and To fields to refine your search further and only serve up results falling within the desired parameters. Apply Filter must be selected after each change is made in order to render the new results.