Order Summary

Order Summary

MarginDriver retrieves ecommerce sales data from its users' source systems via API (application program interfaces) and processes it to deliver timely, accurate and detailed gross profit reports. All information required to calculate a true gross profit is applied to each order including each user’s unique credit card processing costs, currency conversion fees, return allowances and marketplace selling fees.

The Order Summary feature provides users with detailed gross profit reports by sales channel. Whether users are selling on eBay, Amazon, Jet, Walmart or their own independent branded website, the Order Summary feature tells the story of exactly how profitable each sales channel is. Order Summary reports provide sales and profit summaries for each month or individual date within the selected month. There is also the standard option to view these reports for all sales channels, each individual sales channel or a custom group of multiple sales channels.

This Order Summary feature opens to a default display of monthly order totals and MarginDriver KPI data for the previous three months. From there the user can elect to view older data from earlier months in the year or from prior years. To dig deeper for daily sales summaries, simply click on the down arrow on the far left of each row and each day within the the month will be displayed with its respective results. Click on the down arrow next to each date and a pop-up will display order-level detail for each order from that particular date.

The Add/Remove Metrics menu allows users to add or remove from the Order Summary reports as needed. This can be useful when users want to focus in on a few key metrics. As with most reports in MarginDriver, Order Summary reports can be exported to Excel (.xlxs) format for further filtering and manipulation.

Definitions of each of the Order Summary metrics can be found at the MarginDriver KPI page.

Estimated Shipping Costs

MarginDriver provides next-day results for all orders placed by twelve o’clock midnight the previous day. If any such orders have not been shipped by the time MarginDriver posts the previous day's results, MarginDriver will use an estimated shipping costs for unshipped orders. The estimated shipping cost is derived from the average shipping cost for all orders shipped during the previous month within the same sales channel.

MarginDriver will replace the estimated shipping with the actual shipping cost as it becomes available from the users' shipping solution. MarginDriver will continuously search for an updated actual shipping cost for 60 days following the order date. After 60 days, the estimated shipping cost will be final and unable to be edited.

Estimated shipping cost are displayed in orange. Once the estimated cost is replaced with the actual cost, the value will be displayed in black.

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